
To obtain a position where I can use my artistic and designer skills.



1998-Present               IYS Computer Services Co.                                     Brooklyn, NY


Experience includes graphic works using Adobe Photoshop 5.0, Adobe Illustrator 7.0, QuarkXpress, PrintArtist, and Corel Draw.
Creating advertisement, presentations and catalogs for different types of businesses.


1995-1998                         Kings Awning & Signs Co.                                  Brooklyn, NY


Computer design of awnings, signs, and other kinds of advertising
Making 3D plastic and metal letters

1972–1994                         Antonov Design Bureau                                     Kiev, Ukraine


Ilustrations for various commercial magazines.
Creating poster designs, advertising prospectuses.
Medals and souvenir badges, charms.
Logos, bookplates, and emblems.
Developing exterior and interior airplane and coloration.
Drawing up exhibition layouts and brochures for international aviation shows.



1996                              Centurion Computer School                             Brooklyn, NY

Adobe Photoshop 5.0, Adobe Illustrator 7.0, QuarkXpress.

1974–1979                           Paleographic College                                             Kiev, Ukraine

Book graphic.

1969-1973                      Kiev Aviation College                                        Kiev,Ukraine

Technical-Mechanic in Aircraft construction.